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Dora and Tony were two of the most important leaders in their field.

Dora was known for accepting feedback, while Tony was uncomfortable with constructive criticism.

His team was constantly distraught by his leadership style, as he would never listen to any comments or suggestions.

One day, Tony's organization invited me to speak and give feedback on how to be more productive.

I shared with him and his team the importance of feedback and how it can be a powerful tool for creating oneself and others.

I also emphasized the importance of accepting appraisal and constructive criticism gracefully.

After hearing my presentation, Tony agreed to try out my techniques.

The results were amazing!

His team started to respect him more and began working more productively together.

I will share my technique to make Tony and his team flourish.

Let's dive into it!


Feedback is a critical aspect of our lives as leaders. We give and receive feedback daily in our professional and personal lives. We must develop the skills to deliver and receive feedback effectively. Feedback can be a powerful tool for creating ourselves and others, but it can also be damaging if delivered poorly. This post will explore tips for effectively giving and receiving feedback.

By following these tips, you'll be able to make the most out of feedback - both in your development and in the development of those around you. So let's get started!

1. One-on-one meeting with the leader

When giving feedback, always do it in person if possible. This way, you can gauge the other person's reaction and ensure that your message is received as intended. If you're the one receiving feedback, try to schedule a one-on-one meeting with your leader so that you can ask questions and get clarification if needed.

2. 360-degree feedback surveys

Another great way to give and receive feedback is through 360-degree feedback surveys. These surveys allow employees to provide anonymous feedback about their leaders, which can help identify areas where improvement is needed. As a leader, be sure to encourage your team to participate in these surveys to

get an accurate picture of how you're doing.

3. Meeting with a subordinate's direct reports

If you're a leader who manages subordinates, make it a point to meet with their direct reports regularly. This will allow you to hear about their successes and challenges firsthand and get insight into how they view you as a leader. And don't forget to give them the same opportunity to meet with your direct reports!

4. Feedback through email or other electronic communication

In today's digital world, it's increasingly common for employees to communicate with each other electronically. While this can be convenient, it also has its downside. Because we can't see each other's nonverbal cues, it's easy for our messages to be misinterpreted. So when giving or receiving feedback electronically, avoid caution by being extra clear and concise in your communication.

5. Giving and receiving feedback during team meetings

Team meetings are another great opportunity to give and receive feedback. If you're the team leader, use these meetings as an opportunity to provide constructive criticism or praise for individual team members. And encourage team members to give each other feedback as well—it'll help improve communication and collaboration within the team.

6. Issuing and responding to feedback through social media channels

Social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn offer powerful tools for giving and receiving feedback. If you're using social media for business purposes, ensure you take advantage of these features! You can use them to solicit feedback from customers or employees or simply post general comments about your company's products or services. Just remember always to stay professional—write like you would if you were composing an email or memo rather than a tweet or Facebook post.

7. Participating in coaching or mentoring relationships

These types of relationships provide an opportunity for continuous learning and growth. They also allow for two-way communication so that both parties can give and receive feedback freely.

8. Feedback as part of an employee performance review

Performance reviews are a great time to give employees detailed feedback on their work over a period of time. They're also an opportunity for employees to ask questions and get clarification on any points that may be unclear.

9. Offering feedback to employees regularly, rather than waiting for a specific event or milestone

Regular feedback helps employees learn and grow more effectively than waiting for periodic reviews or annual evaluations. It also helps build strong relationships between leaders and subordinates by promoting open communication.

10. Encouraging employees to seek out feedback from others

Employees should feel comfortable seeking surveys from their colleagues, direct reports, customers, or anyone else they interact with regularly at work Because giving and receiving quality feedback is such an important leadership skill; young leaders need to practice perfecting this skill if they want to become effective leaders in their organizations.

The Benefits of Giving Feedback

Giving feedback can be just as beneficial as receiving it.

First and foremost, it allows individuals to identify areas where they need improvement.

If we're not aware of our own shortcomings, we'll never be able to address them and make the necessary changes.

Secondly, feedback can help set goals and measure progress over time. Without feedback, it can be difficult to determine whether or not we're making any headway toward our goals.

The third benefit of giving feedback is that it allows employees to be constantly aware of their progress.

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and lose sight of the larger picture. However, by giving regular feedback, leaders can help their employees stay focused and motivated.

And lastly, feedback helps to create a more cohesive team.

Amazing things can happen when everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal.

The Benefits of Receiving Feedback

Of course, giving feedback isn't the only way to reap the rewards; receiving feedback is important too.

One of the most significant benefits of receiving feedback is that it helps individuals better understand their strengths and weaknesses.

We all have blind spots, areas where we're not exactly sure how we're coming across to others. However, by being receptive to feedback, we can begin to fill in those blanks and get a more well-rounded view of ourselves.

Additionally, feedback can help employees feel appreciated and valued by their employers.

When done correctly, feedback should be empowering rather than critical; it should highlight an individual's successes while guiding how to improve moving forward.

There are numerous benefits to giving and receiving feedback. Whether you're looking to improve your own skillset or help those around you reach their full potential, always remember the power of feedback!


Giving and receiving feedback is a critical part of any leader’s development. The benefits of giving and receiving feedback are vast, and we hope you will take advantage of as many opportunities as possible to grow in your leadership role.

By offering and accepting feedback graciously, you can improve your relationships with others, learn more about yourself and your own strengths and weaknesses, become better at making decisions, and much more.

I encourage you to practice these tips today – the rewards will be well worth it!


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