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Seven Things Successful Leaders Do Before Breakfast

Fig 1.0 Breaking the fast-a new chapter waiting to be written.

Dumebi's mind was foggy as she woke up that morning. She couldn't help but dwell on the wrong investment he had made the day before.

"It's a great day today, an opportunity to improve things," Briana reassured her.

Dumebi wished she could be as optimistic as her roommate, Briana, but her mind was still occupied with yesterday's mistake.

As she started getting ready for work, she began to plan how to fix the situation and make things right.

She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to turn things around.


No matter how successful you may be, mornings always present a fresh opportunity to get ahead.

Leaders should do a few things before breakfast to make the most of the day.

Here are seven habits of successful leaders that should be incorporated into your morning routine:

Meditation and prayer are both excellent ways to focus and calm the mind.

Fig 1.1 Connecting to a higher power

Meditation allows you to clear your mind of all thoughts and focus on the present moment.

Prayer allows you to connect with a higher power and receive guidance and peace.

Both meditation and prayer can be done anywhere, at any time. All you need is a quiet place to sit or kneel.

You may want to set a timer, so you don't have to worry about the time. Once seated or kneeling, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Then, let go of all your thoughts and focus on your breath.

If your mind wanders, redirect your attention back to your breath. After a few minutes, you should feel calmer and more focused.

You can then open your eyes and continue with your day.

Exercise to get their blood flowing

Fig 1.2 Exercising to increase the heart rate.

Exercise has many benefits, including improved cardiovascular health and increased circulation.

One of the best ways to get your blood flowing is to participate in regular physical activity.

Exercise helps to pump oxygen-rich blood through your body, which can help to reduce stress levels and improve overall health.

In addition, exercise helps to increase the flexibility of your blood vessels, improving circulation and reducing the risk of heart disease. So, if you're looking for a way to get your blood flowing, add some exercise to your daily routine.

They take time to relax and reflect on the day ahead.

A morning routine can set the tone for the entire day.

For many people, taking some time in the morning to relax and reflect on the day ahead is an integral part of starting the day on the right foot.

There are various ways to do this, but common morning routine elements include enjoying coffee or tea, reading the newspaper or a favorite book, and spending time outdoors.

Taking just a few minutes in the morning can help you feel centered and prepared for whatever the day may bring.

They review their goals and priorities for the day.

At the start of each day, many people take some time to review their goals and priorities.

This helps them to get a clear sense of what they need to achieve and how best to use their time.

They can save time and effort in the long run by taking a few minutes to plan their day.

Additionally, this practice can help them to stay focused and on track, leading to better productivity overall.

While some people may find it helpful to review their goals first thing in the morning, others may prefer to do so at night before they go to bed. Ultimately, what works best will vary from person to person.

However, there is no doubt that reviewing one's goals and priorities can be a highly effective way to boost productivity and achieve tremendous success in life.

They plan out their day, including what tasks they need to complete and when

They plan their day, including what tasks they need to complete and when.

This not only helps them to focus their attention but also allows them to use their time better. By knowing what needs to be done and when it needs to be done, they can avoid wasting time on activities that are not essential.

In addition, this level of planning can help to reduce stress levels.

By clearly understanding what needs to be done, they can avoid feeling overwhelmed by the task ahead.

As a result, planning their day can help them be more productive and less stressed.

They make a list of people they need to contact and things they need to do

Fig 2.0 Using the phone to remain organized

To stay organized and on top of their responsibilities, many people find it helpful to list the people they need to contact and the things they need to do.

This can be a physical list that is written down on paper, or it can be an electronic list that is stored on a computer or smartphone.

Either way, having a list helps to ensure that essential tasks are remembered.

Additionally, crossing items off of the list can provide a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

Making and completing lists is simply a way of staying organized for some people.

For others, it can be therapeutic and help to reduce stress levels. Regardless, there are many benefits to keeping a list of contacts and tasks.

They eat a healthy breakfast to start their day off right.

A nutritious breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast - that's why it's called "breaking the fast."

Breakfast skippers are more likely to be overweight or obese, have poorer memories, and perform poorly on tests.

Eating a healthy breakfast is especially important when you're physically active.

When you skip breakfast, you're more likely to overeat later in the day. A healthy breakfast can do the following:

  • Boost your concentration and performance in school or at work

  • Help you maintain a healthy weight

  • Lower your risk of heart disease

  • Reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes

So, if you're not used to eating first thing in the morning, start by adding one small meal or snack to your morning routine.

Once you get into the habit of eating breakfast, you can try some of these tips to make it healthier:

  • Include protein: Eggs, yogurt, and whole-grain toast with peanut butter or cheese can help fill you up

  • Add fruits or vegetables: Oatmeal with banana and almond milk, a spinach and feta cheese omelet, or a whole grain English muffin with avocado are all good options.

  • Go for whole grains: Choose 100% whole grain toast, oatmeal, or hot cereal prepared with water instead of milk. Look for the word "whole" on the package and avoid foods with sugar listed as one of the first few ingredients.

Skipping breakfast might seem like a way to save time, but starting your day off with a nutritious meal will improve your physical and mental health in the long run. So make time for breakfast every day!


Successful leaders know the importance of starting their day off right.

They can focus and calm their mind by taking some time to meditate or pray.

They also get their blood flowing with some exercise and take time to relax and reflect on the day ahead.

Reviewing goals and priorities for the day is another crucial step successful leaders take before starting their day.

Lastly, they plan their day, including what tasks need to be completed and when.

They also list people they need to contact and things they need to do.

Eating a healthy breakfast is also crucial in setting up successful leaders for success throughout the rest of the day.

Are you doing all seven of these things? If not, which ones can you start incorporating into your daily routine?

Let me have your comments below.


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