Leadership is an integral part of politics and governance. It affects the citizens in their everyday lives. However, many citizens do not know what leadership is or how it works. I will explain the qualities of a good leader, why the governed should be concerned about who leads them, and how they lead them. I will also explain why we need to stay involved in our communities and elect leaders who care about everyone regardless of race, religion, gender. Leaders must make decisions that benefit us all as a whole community rather than themselves alone. A strong leader can accomplish amazing things for his people, but sadly some leaders abuse their power. The following are qualities of a good leader:
A solid moral compass- they lead by example to inspire others; this could mean taking on an unpopular cause even though there is risk involved or risking one’s life for another person without question.
Understanding what matters most - when making difficult decisions about policies
Willingness to ask others for help
It is essential to teach people how they do so to lead people. The governed should be concerned about who leads them and how they're led. Why? In history, we’ve seen that when people feel like their voice doesn't matter; things can get terrible fast--think civil war or revolution. The tone here sounds much more dramatic than "normal," but there's no reason for alarm because this isn’t an essay on politics but effective leadership. The leaders of a society have a tremendous impact on all those under their care. When they are compassionate and kind, everything from school performances to quality healthcare improves drastically!
The Leadership Challenge: “How Can You Make a Difference in The Lives of Others?" by Tom Rath.
This book testifies that when people feel like they matter--their happiness increases exponentially while anything negative such corruption falls away ultimately."
We need to stay involved in our communities and vote for elected officials who care about everyone regardless of race, religion, or gender.
Not only are there many opportunities for us to make changes, but staying engaged will also help you become more informed on the issues at hand and learn about what others think too!
A democracy depends heavily upon participation from its citizens - this includes voting and involvement with organizations like churches or Lions Clubs which can provide an avenue of service within one’s community.
It is easy enough though not always realistic given time constraints associated with work schedules outside those hours devoted exclusively towards volunteering during weekdays.
Leadership is about putting the needs of others first. If no one wins, then it's everyone who loses!

Democracy is a system of government where citizens can participate in the governance process. The dynamics between leaders and followers must be considered for democracy, as both parties have an essential role and responsibility.
Effective leadership can come from either side of this equation; however, effective followership should always precede effective leadership.
To be an effective leader, you need to know how to lead people who may not respect or trust you in the same way as someone they look up to because of your position. It also helps if you understand what motivates them so that when difficult situations arise, you can step up and help resolve any issues before it becomes a bigger problem.
On the other hand, being a good follower requires understanding both sides of the equation- knowing how much power should be delegated by the leaders down into each level of followership while still maintaining clear goals for everyone at every level within the country.
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